Jul 29, 2017Fetch the Rucksack Howlers Now AvailableAfter dealing with corrupted flash drives and other nonsense, I'm proud to say that the fifth Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure...
Jul 9, 2017Free Map: King Croc ShrineHere is a free to use map of an underground crocodile lair! Be on the lookout for a compendium of dungeons on DriveThruRPG with full...
Jul 8, 2017New Module? Gnolls on the Horizon!Several months ago, a USB drive with one of my adventures stored on it had an unfortunate accident. I lost everything on it, including a...
Jul 8, 2017Breath of Gorr Sets Sail!Remley Farr's first Kickstarter in partnership with Encounter Roleplay has launched! It's a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition and...